Gastric ulceration after fundoplication: A complication to keep in mind Fundoplikasyon sonrası gastrik ülser: Akılda tutulması gereken bir komplikasyon


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Laparoscopic fundoplication has become the standard surgical procedure for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux diseases such as reflux esophagitis and hiatal hernia (1). Long-term complications of fundoplication include prolonged dysphagia, increased flatulence, gas-bloat syndrome, and gastric ulcers (GU). Of these complications, GU occurs in nearly 1-5% of the patients (2). These ulcers occur predominantly in the upper part of the lesser curvature of the stomach, which is distinctly different from the usual location of gastric peptic ulcers.

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تاریخ انتشار 2014